Contact:  Evan Romanchuk

SportsPlex West offers training for your team as a whole, brought to you by some of the most sought after & highly trained coaches around. Take your team to the next level and let us introduce our training techniques that have built champion baseball teams and groomed players to achieve high levels of success in their individual baseball careers.

How it works:

1.    Practices INCLUDE an instructor from Sportsplex West. Each practice is will focus on a specific skill either hitting, fielding or pitching and one hour in length.

a.    Example of a complete 10 session practice package:

                                          i.    3 Days – Hitting

                                        ii.    3 Days – Pitching

                                        iii.   4 Days – Fielding  

2.    Coaches will contact the lead instructor at  Sportsplex West to inquire, schedule and create the practice plan by email.  Subsequent contact will be determined by the lead instructor and the coach of the team.  Parents must go through the coach with any questions.

3.    These practices are NOT camps.  This is for entire teams. There are no make-up sessions for missed sessions

4.    Practices will be held in the batting cage areas and the pitching lane areas.  Teams that purchase packages over 12 sessions may have the ability to use the turf area for enhanced fielding practices (not guaranteed) 

5.    Pricing

  • 1-5 Practices (Hitting, Pitching or Fielding) $200/hour/practice

    1. 6-9 Practices (Hitting, Pitching or Fielding) $175/hour/practice

    2. 10+ Practices (Hitting, Pitching or Fielding) $150/hour/practice

    3. ** Please Note: Pricing will be in bulk. All fees must be paid in advance and are not refundable if a player misses.

6.    Team Training Academy are by appointment only Oct.1 – April 1.